Friday 56

"Onstage, the dancers were doing all sorts of outrageous things with their fiery swords. By now they had two flaming knives each and were performing some intensely crazy maneuver where they placed one blazing knife in their mouth while jabbing and thrusting at each other with the other. The drums beat incessantly, pounding a furious rhythm. We all felt the heat of the fire each time a flaming knife swung by, as we were seated so close to the stage, and with just enough alcohol in one's blood, one could imagine one was on a primitive beach in ancient Samoa, enjoying a night out with the tribe."


Unknown said…
I love the authors manner of story telling, there are so many elements that make the scene real. Sounds fun too; hope you enjoy it!

Check out mine
Sparrow's BB & Friday 56
Breana M. said…
I really like the descriptiveness! It makes it easy to visualize what's going on. :D
Katherine P said…
I think I like this excerpt even better then the beginning! The author does seem to have a gift for descriptiveness and a great sense of place. Definitely curious about this series!
fredamans said…
Intense and exciting moment in this 56! Sounds awesome!
Happy weekend Tea!
So exciting! Vivid descriptions...thanks for sharing.

And thanks for visiting my blog.
Yvonne said…
I've been wanting to read this author for a long time and now you make me even more interested in reading this book.

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