Wondrous Words

Jimson Weed  - a poisonous tall annual weed (Datura stramonium) of the nightshade family with rank-smelling foliage, large white or violet trumpet-shaped ..merriam-webster

"Jimson Weed causes all sorts of problems. It can cause severe hallucinations. In other victims, symptoms can be falsely diagnosed as the flu."

  • The axolotl; etymol. Nāhuatl āxōlōtl or āxōlōmeh "water monster", also known as a Mexican salamander or a Mexican walking fish, is a neotenic salamander, closely related to the tiger salamander. Although the axolotl is colloquial…
  • en.wikipedia.org

  • ne·ot·e·ny
  • [ nee óttənee ]

  1. juvenile features in adult animal: the existence of juvenile features in an adult animal, e.g. the retention of gills in some salamanders Bing Dictionary
And for an everlasting Roof

The Gambrels of the Sky –

A gambrel or "barn" style roof is simply a gable roof with a change in slope partway up the roof.
Besides its unique appearance a gambrel roof also serves to maximize the usable floor space in the attic. http://www.easyrafters.com

Poem of the Day: I dwell in Possibility – (466)

by Emily Dickinson
I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –

Of Chambers as the Cedars –
Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –

Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –http://poetryfoundation.org


Kristen said…
I have to say that I think that axolotl is kind of cute (not that I knew his name before reading your post).

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