Claire of the Sea Light by Edwidge Danticat

Just like sea light shows the ocean in different shades, the novel Claire of the Sea Light by Edwidge Danticat shows Claire in many blended shades while growing up. From Claire's very beginning she is passed along to someone else. It seems like Claire's life will call for her to always stay on the move. First, Claire's mother dies immediately after she gives birth to Claire. Then, Nozias, the fisherman and father, of Claire decides he doesn't have the skill to grow a girl successfully. He asks and wants to pass Claire off to the fabric store owner, Gaelle. Is it any wonder that the day will come when Claire will choose to run away from her life? At least, this time the going and coming is all in her hands. She's the captain of her ship this time.

There are so many tragedies surrounding Claire. Her mother's death, the death of the fabric store owner's little baby. Just living by the sea in Haiti is a foreshadowing of the lives that must be lost. The sea comes across as a hungry one. Perhaps, this is why in the end Claire runs and ends up above the sea looking down at a village which will probably see more deaths. It is at this point that I felt Claire's strength.

Edwidge Danticat's writing is beautifully poetic. She made me think of death as not a ugly monster but as something else. This is a picture of Haiti that I hope will never disappear from my mind. It proves that where there is horror there is also oddly enough beauty.america.aljazeeraarticles/2013/9/21/a-conversation-withedwidgedanticat.html


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