A Mighty Love by Vanessa Miller

I enjoyed A Mighty Love by VANESSA MILLER very much. When Malcolm turns up at a Bible study, it really shocks Shay. Shay, a Christian long before Malcolm, finds Malcolm reading a Bible hard to believe and accept. All of a sudden she begins to distrust him. She's on a familiar trail. Shay mistrusts all men thinking  guys only want a woman's body. I don't think Shay had ever thought about men as true Christians putting the Love of God first in their lives. Really, the novel becomes a battle between Shay  and her inner demons. Finally, her friend Darla reminds her  to trust God. He is indeed able to take care of every situation she will face on the job and in her love life. Darla believes that God is in control. She believes we can faithfully trust Him not to allow others to hurt us beyond His plan for us or our ability to handle the pain.

It's a quick read but a very worthwhile read. I found myself thinking about how easy it is to trust God when there aren't any challenges. However, when our life gets the least bit shaky our faith can become shaky too. This is an inspiring Christian fiction story with great purpose.Vanessa-Miller


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