Lady in Waiting by SUSAN MEISSNER

susan meissner

From cover to cover Lady in Waiting by SUSAN MEISSNER is magnificent. The novel is Christian fiction based on the life of Lady Jane Grey. At the end of the book Susan Meissner separates the truth from the fiction. The novel as a parallel between the lives of two women. One woman, Lady Jane Grey, lived during the 16th  Century. In the modern era there is Jane Lindsay living her life. She is a mother, wife and daughter. When she finds a ring tucked away in the spine of a very old prayer book, her whole life changes. God does give HIS sheep the ability to think creatively while circumstances in our lives seem to be falling apart.

The author wrote the novel with a nimble finger. She excellently stitches this story in the same way that Lucy Day is able to expertly sew gowns for herself and Lady Jane Grey. Jane Lindsay and Lady Jane Grey's stories are like a spiral seashell. The nautilus comes to mind. I feel this way because Susan Meissen cleverly interweaves Lady Jane Grey's story with the story of Jane Lindsay. She never drops a stitch. In the end we have a beautiful spiral staircase. This staircase winds its way through fantastic romance, the hungry eyes of power on to choices made and unmade and heartbreak along with great happiness. There are many themes in this novel. Read and enjoy.


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